The Port of Gothenburg seeks car terminal operator

May 30 2024 Print This Article

Logent Ports and Terminals has successfully operated the Port of Gothenburg car terminal at since 2011, but the contract is set to expire in 2026. The Gothenburg Port Authority has now initiated the process of procuring a future terminal operator in Sweden's largest car port.

The number of vehicles handled at the port has increased by nearly 100,000 units since the terminal company Logent Ports and Terminals took over operations of the port's car terminal in 2011. This is an increase of about 60% over 15 years. In 2023 alone, vehicle volumes at the port increased by 14%.

Although volumes have varied slightly from year to year, the long-term trend is clearly on the upturn. The port's infrastructure has been developed in several stages on both the land and sea sides, while the Volvo companies – with their headquarters and large parts of their global production just a stone's throw away – have seen strong development over time. These are some of the success factors.

“But this increase would not have been possible without Logent's competitive offer, so they play a large part in our ability to title ourselves Sweden's largest car port today”, says Magnus Nordfeldt, Head of Business Area Cargo at the Gothenburg Port Authority.

With the contract expiring in two years, it is now time to procure an operator for the upcoming period of 2026 and beyond.

“We see great interest so far and hope that as many competent operators as possible will jump at the opportunity. There is in fact great market potential. Today, the port has about 36% of the Swedish vehicle market, and we are eager to work together with the future operator to increase that number.”

According to the competition documents with the final application date of June 10 of 2024, the upcoming concession has a contract period of at least seven years. The length of the contract mainly depends on the willingness to invest – the larger the investments the operator is willing to make, the longer the contract the Port Authority is prepared to offer. The Port Authority estimates that the value is approximately €10 million per year.

In addition to the loading and unloading of vehicles, the Port Authority also requires that the terminal operator offers PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection) of vehicles, as well as the capability to handle larger project cargo and High & Heavy goods to some extent.

“Besides that, the future operator will have great opportunities to create and develop their own business with the development of new transport arrangements, product areas, and customer segments, of course with support from the Gothenburg Port Authority,” says Magnus Nordfeldt.