CMA CGM to deploy second vessel on Shaka 2 service

August 30 2022 Print This Article

CMA CGM Group is proud to announce that they will now operate 2 out of 9 vessels on the SHAKA 2 service, jointly with their fellow partner.

In addition to "CMA CGM DON PASCUALE", CMA CGM will phase-in "CMA CGM LA SCALA", with a nominal capacity of 8,500 TEU.

M/V "CMA CGM LA SCALA" voyage 0SSD5W1MA ETA Shanghai September 30th, 2022, ETA Durban October 29th, 2022

Current rotation will remain unchanged: Shanghai - Ningbo - Tanjung Pelepas - Port Louis - Durban - Tanjung Pelepas - Hong Kong - Shanghai